Chicken nutrition - what to feed and what not to for healthy chooks
Join expert chicken consultant and educator Elise McNamara for this live online workshop, Chicken nutrition - what to feed and what not to for healthy chooks.
This workshop is module 3 of Elise's signature online course and coaching program, A-Z Natural Chicken Care online course & coaching program. You can buy access to this workshop separately, or view full details of the course and coaching support here.
Who is this workshop for?
Backyard chicken owners who want to know how to choose between feeds and brands, how much, how to, what, and when to feed, plus what they can and can't recycle from their household food scraps.
When is it?
7:30 pm AEST, Thursday 28 July 2022.
A recording will be available for 7 days after the event if you can't make it live. The recording is a shorter version of the workshop. It's the same content without audience participation.
What will we cover?
- Types of grain-based feeds and pros and cons of each
- Factors to consider when choosing a feed for your flock
- how to evaluate the quality of a feed
- Secrets to reducing grain intake while maximising the health of your flock
- What you can recycle from your household scraps
- What I don't feed to my birds
- The importance of grit and shell grit and the exact ones to use
- The importance of green feed, what it is, how and when I feed it, and (and why I harp on about it all the time!)
- Probiotics for poultry - what, when, and how to use them
- Supplementing poultry - what, when, and how to supplement
How long is the class?
The webinar will run for 50 minutes, including Q+A.
Send me an email - [email protected]