Practical backyard chicken biosecurity, hygiene and husbandry
Join expert chicken consultant and educator Elise McNamara for this live online workshop, Practical backyard chicken biosecurity, hygiene and husbandry.
This workshop is module 6 of Elise's signature online course and coaching program, A-Z Natural Chicken Care online course & coaching program. You can buy access to this workshop separately, or view full details of the course and coaching support here.
Who is this workshop for?
Backyard chicken owners looking to buy or introduce new flock members or those wanting to maintain the health of their current flock. Also people showing or breeding poultry.
When is it?
7:30 pm AEST, Thursday 25 August 2022.
A recording will be available for 7 days after the event if you can't make it live. The recording is a shorter version of the workshop. It's the same content without audience participation.
What will we cover?
- Stressed chickens are more prone to illness. Learn what's stressful to a chicken and how to avoid the common husbandry pitfalls that lead to flock stress
- A husbandry checklist of tasks for routine and seasonal chicken to keep your hens in top condition year-round
- Practical avian biosecurity - what it means when you're bringing in new flock members
- Practical avian biosecurity - things to be mindful of when visiting events with poultry
- Practical avian biosecurity for breeders of poultry
- The best products for cleaning different surfaces in your chicken house
- How and when I clean my chicken house and run
How long is the class?
The webinar will run for 50 minutes, including Q+A.
Send me an email - [email protected]